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Navigating IDE and OS Compatibility: A Developer's Journey with IntelliJ IDEA

Written by : Shivam Kumar Maurya on Apr 8, 2024

In the dynamic realm of software development, the choice of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is akin to selecting the perfect instrument for a craftsperson. It's a decision that profoundly influences productivity, workflow efficiency, and ultimately, the quality of the end product. Among the myriad of options available, IntelliJ IDEA

stands out as a beacon for Java developers, offering a robust platform tailored to their specific needs.

“An IDE is not just a tool; it's a sanctuary where ideas take shape and dreams become code.”

Unleashing the Power of Java Development
IntelliJ IDEA serves as a powerhouse for Java developers, providing a comprehensive suite of features and intelligent tools finely tuned for Java-centric projects. Its seamless integration with Java frameworks and libraries streamlines the development process, empowering developers to translate their logic into code with unparalleled ease.

Elevating Coding Experience
A hallmark of IntelliJ IDEA lies in its advanced code assistance capabilities. Through intelligent code analysis, real-time suggestions, and auto-completion, the IDE significantly enhances coding efficiency, enabling developers to write clean, error-free code swiftly.

Seamless Workflow Integration
Streamlining the development lifecycle, IntelliJ IDEA offers a plethora of integrated tools for testing, building, and deploying applications. From seamless version control integration to automated deployment pipelines, the IDE fosters a cohesive development environment, where developers can focus on innovation rather than administrative tasks.

Navigating Challenges: A Developer's Odyssey

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
Integrating IntelliJ IDEA within the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) initially seemed promising for developers seeking the best of both worlds – the familiarity of Windows alongside the power of Linux. However, the nascent state of WSL presented unforeseen hurdles. Issues ranging from erratic performance to system slowdowns plagued development efforts, significantly hampering productivity. Despite exhaustive troubleshooting attempts and diligent exploration of potential remedies, the elusive solution to WSL's instability remained beyond grasp. This predicament compelled developers to pivot towards alternative avenues in search of a more conducive development environment.

Windows Woes

Transitioning to a native Windows environment was envisioned as a respite from the challenges encountered with WSL. Yet, as project complexity burgeoned, so did the strain on system resources. The emergence of system lags and exponential memory consumption proved to be a formidable obstacle, undermining the efficiency of development workflows. This unforeseen setback not only impeded project timelines but also served as a litmus test for the resilience of our development setup. Despite valiant efforts to optimize performance and mitigate resource constraints, the specter of system instability persisted, necessitating a paradigm shift in our approach to development.

Embracing Linux

In the quest for a sanctuary conducive to uninterrupted development, the journey ultimately led to the embrace of Linux. Renowned for its open-source ethos and unparalleled performance, Linux emerged as the quintessential platform for nurturing the symbiotic relationship between IntelliJ IDEA and the developer. The migration to Ubuntu 20.04, coupled with the utilization of IntelliJ Ultimate 2024, marked the dawn of a new era characterized by seamless development. Linux's inherent stability and robustness provided an ideal ecosystem for IntelliJ IDEA to thrive, enabling developers to channel their creative energies towards innovation without the encumbrance of technical constraints.

Charting the Course Forward

The odyssey with IntelliJ IDEA underscores two pivotal lessons:

By navigating through the trials and tribulations of different development environments, the odyssey underscores the importance of adaptability and resilience in the face of adversity. It serves as a poignant reminder of the symbiotic relationship between developers and their chosen tools, wherein compatibility and synergy are paramount for fostering productivity and innovation. As we continue to chart our course in the ever-evolving landscape of software development, may our experiences serve as beacons of guidance for fellow developers embarking on their own odysseys of exploration and discovery.

How to start Atlassian applications in standalone debug mode?

Written by : Saurabh Gupta on Nov 7, 2023

How to run atlas standalone command in debug mode?

It is very easy to run atlas standalone in debug mode. Follow the steps below

Atlas run standalone sample

Below is the example which you can use to run Jira version 9.4.11 in standalone mode

atlas-run-standalone --product jira --version 9.4.11 

Provide jvmargs

You just need to provide jvmargs to atlas-run-standalone command. The jvmargs should look like as below :



To run Jira in debug mode, combine the above two by using --jvmargs flag

atlas-run-standalone --product jira --version 9.4.11 --jvmargs '-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005' 

References :

Note: We have tried and tested this on Jira version 9.4.11 and 9.11.2. Please reach out to us if this no longer works using contact us, we may have a better way by then.